Asphalt streets are vital for the safety of everybody in a community, and any roadway paving company that works on asphalt streets needs to be experienced, dedicated, and reputable. For all kinds of asphalt paving in California, El Camino Asphalt is that reputable asphalt paving company trusted by general construction contractors and business owners all over California to repair asphalt roadways.
Asphalt paving services can get expensive on a long street. People with an old or damaged asphalt street on their property may think that removing the old pavement and repaving the entire roadway is the only solution, but that’s simply not true. Asphalt repair services like milling and overlay can replace just the top few layers of damaged asphalt pavement for a brand-new paved area without the expense of a complete replacement.
Recently we showed off our quality asphalt repair services in Oceanside CA. One of the general contractors that we work with needed some help. The roadway outside of their construction project was aged and had several areas of asphalt damage. Instead of expensive pavement removal and replacement services, we were able to fix the existing roadway with asphalt milling and overlay.
During the roadway resurfacing process, we first removed the damaged top layers of asphalt using special milling machines, and then we paved the area with a new top layer of pavement in a process called asphalt overlay. The contractor loved the look of the new street, but they especially loved how much money they saved!
Want the El Camino Asphalt crew on your next construction project? Contact us today!